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Cowboy Action Shooters Badges &
Name Tags
Clean Match
Badges With Cutouts  Employee
Gag Or
Getting Even Badges
Fund Raisers
Special Events

Match and name badges can come in a variety of shapes and colors. For best results and non interference to the shooter, they should be in the area of approximately 2 1/4" X 2 1/4".  You must consider the area for the shooters alias. It needs to be big enough to have room for an alias with a lot of letters or multiple words. Any text can be shrunk to fit but, the whole idea is to make your alias visible for those that don't know you.  State outlines make good badges for state championships but, if the state is small or odd shaped, it may not have enough room for all of the match information. 

First time designs may require a small set up fee. If you reuse a design that you have already ordered in the past, there would be no set up charges.  If you select a stock design from the samples, there is no set up fee.

Wooden badges, a quarter if an inch thick, are .75 cents additional, each. Thinner wooden badges can warp and break if they get wet and are not recommended for outdoor use. We no longer make the thin wooden badges. All wooden badges are subject to warping and there is no guarantee that they will remain flat.

Most shooter and name badges ordered in bulk start at $2.25 (2 1/4" x 2 1/2") each plus shipping, when ordering 40 or more badges of the same color.  Complicated, non stock shapes, may require a set up fee. Unless noted, our badges are made on UV protected plastics.  The price for less than 40 badges will be negotiated. Badges larger that 2 1/4" x 2 1/4" are priced slightly higher.

For non stock materials, we need a 30 day advance notice of your quantity, so the material will be on hand.  Stock pins are a 1 1/2", with an easy to hook pin. Others pins and magnets styles are available on special order for an additional fee. There is a wide variety of plastic colors available. Prices do not include shipping.

We can use some club logos for the badge. A test badge will be made to verify if the logo will engrave well enough for the badge. A photo of a completed badge will be E-mailed to you for your approval.  All pricing quotes are for standard materials and limited graphic work.  Some logos or graphics, provided by the customer, are not useable in their original condition. Lasers need a good line drawing for the best results. Many graphics can be converted and made usable. At times,  this can require several hours of extra work and a graphic conversion fee may be necessary.  Many graphics, especially those taken from the Internet, are unusable in their initial condition, due to their poor quality.

We can also produce "Clean Match" badges or medallions. We can make them with a pin or clasp back, or pre-drill them for mounting on the winners gun cart. The ones pictured below are approximately 2 1/4" to 2 1/2" circles or designs, with two optional pre-drilled mounting holes. As with all of our badges, they can be made with a large variety of shapes and designs. They start at $2.25 each, plus shipping, when ordering 40 or more of the same color. Larger sizes are slightly more.

Badges with a cut out section, inside the outer edges like the US Marshal type badges at the bottom of the page, are .10 cents additional, per badge.

Once you decide you want Chuckaroo's to make your match badges, let us know an approximate number and the color choice for the badges. It is a common practice to have different colors for vendors, sponsors, VIP's, RO's, special positions and Waddies.  When possible, give the alias lists in groups so there is not a mad rush at the end. This helps the badge maker and you. This is helpful when ordering large numbers (300 or more).

If you would like us to make your badges, use the samples below for ideas. If you see something you like, refer to the shoot name and year for a reference. We can combine ideas and also make the badge from scratch.

We know you want every shooter to have a badge with their name on it. But, sooner or later you have to cut off the list to the badge maker. Getting extra blank badges should fill the late comers needs. We will work with you, up to the ship date, in an attempt to get most shooters badges made.  Generally, we like to ship a full week prior to the day you need the badges for the shooters package or presentation.

Cowboy alias's are a real joy to type. They really don't comply with your average dictionary or the proper spelling of names. Even though we make two double checks, we can make an occasional mistake in spelling. When we make a boo boo, we will replace the badge at no charge. Even if it is discovered by the shooter when they pick up their shooters pack, we can still replace the badge after the match so they have one with the correct spelling. If we mess it up, we will fix it.

The spelling and punctuation sent to us, is exactly how the badge will be made. If there are periods after initials, the badge will have the same. If there are no periods after initials, that is how the badge will be made. Lists can be sent as an E-mail, PDF, Excel file or a text file. As additional names are sent, please just send the additions, not a new complete list.  Putting the names in alphabetical order makes it easier to keep track of the list.

All badges are sent USPS Priority mail with a confirmation / tracking number unless you require another form of shipping.


($2.25 to approx. $3.20 When ordering 40 or more of the same color, with Pin Backs larger sizes a bit more)

Non-UV Protected


Non-UV Protected*

Non-UV Protected*

Holiday Theme


*Non-UV Protected badges are fine for badge use, the plastic is not designed for permanent outdoor use.

"Great For Putting On A Gun Cart"
($2.25 When ordering 40 or more) Unless noted, medallions are approximately 2 1/4 inches in size



BADGES With Cutout Areas
($2.35 When ordering 40 or more)
Black with Gold Letters Cream with Black Letters Black with Gold Letters Sky Blue with White
Dark Green / White Letters Stainless / Black Letters    


(Call for prices if less than 40 badges are needed)

Your Design or Ours






Almost Clean



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